Chopped Carrot and Capsicum red and green: ¼ cup each
Chopped mushrooms: 1/4cup
Sweet corns: 1/4cup
Butter: 1tbsp
Black pepper powder: 1tsp
Chili flacks: 1tsp
Oregano: 1tsp
Salt or MSG as needed
Add the pasta or spaghetti to the boiling water with 1tbsp oil and stir. Start tasting after 5 minutes. When it is tender but not mushy, drain it.
Heat butter in a fry nonstick pan, add flour and stir continuously on medium flame. After 1 minute add boiled milk and whisk well. Cook on low flame until the sauce starts to thicken. Then turn off the heat.
Heat 1tbsp butter on another pan, add all vegetables and fry for just 2minutes. Now add boiled pasta, oregano, salt, pepper powder and mix well. Pour white sauce over the pasta and mix well.